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Thankful for 30 fulfilling years

Writer's picture: christinekranzchristinekranz

… with countless opportunities for personal and professional development!

Exactly 30 years ago, on July 10th, 1989, I founded my consulting and personality development company in Vaduz. With a lot of life and work experience in my baggage, I said goodbye to my parents’ company and my first job. I started a new life. From then on it was my vision to accompany people in their self- and potential development.

An exciting and fulfilling journey began. Many in the Liechtenstein area and environment reacted to my radical change of plan with incomprehension. A valuable companion was my mother, who always supported me, although she often did not understand what exactly I was doing now. At that time, I was considered exotic by many, someone who was believed to be sensible again soon. But it turned out very differently: I had great success with my consultations right from the start and flourished more and more in my job. My courage to follow my vocation has given me 3 educational and fulfilling decades with many sensational heights and some learning-intensive depths.

I have learned to give room to my feelings and wishes. My decisions were, and still are, heart decisions. Although I have experienced many times that more reason would be helpful, I am still hardheaded and continue to listen to the voice of my heart. I feel most comfortable in a harmonious and benevolent atmosphere. If I sense tensions and blockages, then I feel the need to understand the background and overcome my own insecurities. I was always aware that clarification and change must first take place within me. And I have set myself an effective strategy for this necessary self-development.

Since I was 25 years old, my motto in life is: “The way always goes along the path of fear”. I realized that my fears are usually unconscious and subjective. That if I recognize my associated patterns and beliefs, I can transform them as well. As soon as I’m scared of anything, I focus on the challenge. As a result, I immediately expand my thinking, feeling and actions in everyday life. This has turned out to be the development booster for me! The personal and professional extension of borders helps me to achieve maximum performance. So, the limited person from Liechtenstein became an almost unlimited citizen of the world. With oneself and others on the constant search for knowledge and the exploration of potentials. That I could experience all this at some point, I would have never imagined in my early 20s.

Central milestones were my exciting and informative education and training courses with the very best experts, among others at the Carl Gustav Jung Institute in Zurich. The then absolute coronation was the development of the Symbolon Method® and the successful market implementation in the executive suites of international corporations. This was followed by the university evaluation of the method, the founding of the Symbolon Academy and thus the training of Symbolon specialists. Over the years, I was able to publish two Symbolon books and finalize the development of the e-learning platform with around 60 hours of training modules. With all these innovations, the connection between my two core disciplines of psychology and art in the economic sector was and is my passion.

I came into contact with the job profile of the business coach for the first time around 2001 in Zurich, in conjunction with the International Coach Federation (ICF). An ICF coach from England started organizing regular meetings. Quickly the ICF Chapter Switzerland was founded, in which I became a member. I have always wished for an international network. The intensive connection also with ICF Austria and ICF Germany brought to me, last November, the honorary work of participating in the presidency of the ICF Germany e.V. for 3 years. In my work as a board member, I can bring my experiences and the happiness, that I am allowed to experience as a coach, into the international coaching world. As President, my job is to work with presidents from around 145 countries worldwide. The annual meeting in Texas will take place next March — I’m really looking forward to that.

Working with counseling, reflection coaching and the Symbolon Method®, my life has become diverse, challenging and exhilarating. I am indescribably grateful for the many wonderful people who have gone the path with me. Because encounters, relationships, growing together and everything I can learn with and about people are my lifeblood. It is extremely important for me to say a heartfelt THANK YOU to all companions this path has brought me. You are the most important and precious thing that has shaped me into who I am today. I look forward to everything else that may arise and to an exciting future full of encounters!

Christine Kranz

Picture credit: Symbolon AG


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