Potential Development with the Symbolon Method®

Reflection competence is the key
to utilizing your own resources and potential.
The fast development in companies and organizations requires effective measures for understanding and value change and development. The more digital the work situation, the more genuine personality strength and inner stabilisation is required. The Symbolon-Method® is the appropriate instrument for this. In-depth essential content is systematically illuminated and recorded. Current core issues and their obstacles are decoded with reflection processes using symbols and archetypes.
With masterpieces by artists such as Monet, Kahlo, Rembrandt and Rubens, it is easy and fascinating to develop visual intuitive comprehension in addition to the analytical approach. Tailored to the individual work situation and in relation to the company, hidden resistances are solved and potentials are uncovered. Key insights and their visual anchors cause a powerful acceleration of solution finding and implementation.
Symbolon Profiles
Expansion of competence through a powerful visual instrument.

Coaching is highly effective when the person is at the centre and is picked up exactly where they are; with all the concerns and challenges they currently have to solve. The Symbolon-Profile, which serves as the basis for individual and team coaching, leads to an intensive reflection process. Special question techniques and the indication of preferences reveal competences of the inner levels in the image analysis. The invisible becomes visible, potentials are analysed and precise conclusions about one's own personality and basic attitude are drawn.
Symbolon AG quality management guarantees clients and consultants alike professionalism at the highest level. The scientific validity of the Symbolon-Profile (objective, reliable and valid) and the recognition by the International Coaching Federation form the strong foundation. The Symbolon-Profiles are used individually for potential analysis for executives and management or for team development.
Are you interested to learn more about the Symbolon-Profiles or do you have any questions?
Establish reflection competence and make success measurable.
In the entrepreneurial context, reflection must be professional and tailor-made so that it can be brought to successful implementation. The Symbolon-Reflection-Model visualizes external and internal competencies in the representation of a landscape with a lake.

The five development phases start on the external level with a Situation Analysis (1) and with the relevant topics and challenges. The lake, on the other hand, represents the inner qualities, as well as hardly recognizable connections and non-visible aspects of the company. Through reflection, deep Insights (2) are gained. Integration (3 ) includes clarity and certainty. The transformation of the identified values leads to powerful Decisions (4) and actions. The Implementation (5) enables the value change and new experiences of success. With the systematic examination of the individual levels and the associated question technique and reflection, an immersion in the depths of one's own personality is guaranteed.