Christmas presents with a donation to ‘Plant for the Planet’ have a lasting effect
Finkbeiner, the founder of Plant for the Planet, was still a teenager when I first met him about 15 years ago as a keynote speaker in Munich. Even then, I was fascinated by his visionary power and I became a regular tree donor.
The South American project Acción Andina inspired me with its community involvement and cross-border vision. Once again this year, Symbolon AG is opting out of traditional Christmas gifts. Instead, our donation to Plant for the Planet will plant 500 trees in Peru. This approximately 9-minute video introduces the project:
Perhaps you also have ideas for meaningful gifts. For example, many years ago, we introduced the practice at the ICF Germany Chapter of giving trees to speakers as a token of appreciation. The women's network EWMD Chapter Vienna has also followed this lead.
With this spirit, I wish you a contemplative and joyful holiday season. May the year 2025 bring prosperity and lead us toward a fulfilled and peaceful coexistence on this planet.
Warm regards,