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A prescription for art and culture

Writer's picture: christinekranzchristinekranz

When the doctor says: Visit the museum!

Why not go to the museum more often?

It is proven to increase mental well-being and your physical health!

What may initially sound like a marketing strategy for artists and culture professionals, has now been scientifically proven. In a long-term study London researchers have found that cultural activities have beneficial effects on people’s health. A regular visit to the museum, a theater performance or a concert, for example, reduces the risk of a depressive illness. Read more about it in the article “Your doctor recommends: culture” in “Psychology Today” (German language).

Now, doctors in Canada are going one step further: working with the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, they can now offer their patients a prescription for free museum visits. It has become clear to doctors since the 1980s that both the mental and the physical condition of a patient can be improved by the hormones released during a visit to the museum. In the case of prescribed art, several people are helped at the same time: the patient as well their companion benefit from healing and preventative measures. Read the article “Doctors in Montreal can now prescribe a visit to an art museum”.

What has now been scientifically proven is what the Symbolon-Method® has been showing since 2000. With a reflective approach to art, not only new and unforgettable experiences and insights, but also the understanding of one’s own multi-layered personality and the understanding for other people become possible. Artworks provide a platform which, through the association method, provide each individual personality with the leeway to easily lead their own self-reflection processes. So why not regularly go to the museum and get involved in art while floating from artwork to artwork with the help of newly released feel-good hormones?

With the Symbolon Art4Reflection, you can experience extraordinary tours through museums worldwide with various Symbolon specialists. You will encounter 3 selected masterpieces and immerse yourself in reflection processes that will make your visit to the museum unforgettable.

To professionalize your reflection skills, online Reflection-Training is available for you. Book a package, log in and independently experience about 14 hours of theory and practice.

Christine Kranz im Web

Image: Christine Kranz, Symbolon Art4Reflection guided tour, 2018, Kunsthaus Zürich (with approval of the participants)


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