We invite you for a journey of insight with Symbolon and Monet!
How was your start into the new year so far? Are you happy or would you like to readjust? Do your current professional challenges need clarification? Are you or your environment in a crisis which needs to be answered and mastered with significant changes?Everyone experiences the current global situation differently and is confronted with individual effects on themselves and their environment. Depending on the work situation, a wide variety of feelings arises, and unprecedented processes are set in motion. How do you keep a clear head and how do you not be too controlled and manipulated by external circumstances?
Self-reflection helps to figure out individual inner processes and patterns. Everything that can remain under covers in a regular working day is catapulted to the surface in challenging times. Constructive as well as destructive character traits and behaviours become visible. The confrontation with the deepest inner self makes it possible to recognize essentials and to drive successful change, especially now. Through reflection we can gain key insights and release ourselves from blocking states. Doors that are not visible or even closed can show up and open up, showing expanded ways of thinking and gaining new creative space.
At first sight, changes triggered by crises seem cumbersome. Uncertainty, extra effort, and concerns about how successful it will be take energy. But we get this energy when we reflect on what the situation means and what exactly it triggers in us and others. Because clarification also helps us to recognize new opportunities and possibilities. We become creative, discover new ways and grow beyond ourselves.
True expansion of potential happens when we use reflection to illuminate the inner self and then enable personal development and maturation with the insights gained from the reflection process. This inner journey of insight needs its own space and time. Maybe now is the right time for you to take 10 minutes and step back from what is happening around you, to take a look at the Symbolon reflection questions, and let Claude Monet inspire you? If so, answer the following questions to yourself in 4 steps and look at this winter landscape for association support:

Step 1: What does the artwork trigger in me in relation to my current work situation? What are my associations with the position I am in this artwork right now? What are my central thoughts about my position? How do I feel there and in general?Take about 2 minutes to answer these questions and take notes.
Step 2: Continue looking at the artwork. How is my career path? Who is with me on this path? Which relationships and people support and strengthen me? Which relationships hinder me and cost me energy? Which relationships should I take a break from? Which relationships could I develop and what helps me do that?Take about 3 minutes to answer these questions and take notes.
Step 3: How are the current professional challenges affecting me? What makes me feel insecure? What makes me feel strengthened? What could this mean for me and my environment? Are there parts in me that trigger resistance regarding the processes? What do I need and what does the work situation need to continue the path coherently and successfully?Take about 3 minutes to answer these questions and take notes.
Step 4: What are my central and essential insights? How could I implement these insights and what would I like to do next in my work environment?
We can all clarify ourselves with reflection competence and meet each other honestly and authentically along the way. The gained insights bring unexpected opportunities to light. Right now, this is one of the most important resources to recognize the essential aspects and make coherent decisions that lead to success.
Christine Kranz
Picture: Snow at Argenteuil, 1875, Monet Claude, National Gallery, London
#potential development #reflection competence #restart #journey of insight #change